DIONE Project

DIONE aims to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled tool that will be able to correlate data from various sources in order to provide feedback to professionals from the green paying agencies about land condition and land use. This way the compliance with subsidy rules and regulations will be automatically assessed without the need of on-site inspection and installation of expensive and complicated instrumentation.

DIONE is an integrated Earth Observation (EO) -based toolbox for modernising CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) area-based compliance checks and assessing respective environmental impact. The project is funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.

The DIONE toolbox will include a Green Compliance toolbox, allowing paying agencies to check the compliance of farmers but at the same time monitor the green direct payments’ environmental performance. The integrated EO-based DIONE’ toolbox delivers clear economic value to key targeted customers, estimating to lower administrative and operational costs to 30% of the current ones related to CAP area-based compliance checks and assessment of respective environmental impacts.

DIONE Toolbox

The DIONE Toolbox is an integrated service-based solution for paying agencies to abide by the Modernised CAP regulations, while at the same time pave the way for a concrete environmental performance evaluation of greening in a national or regional level, depending on the agency’s jurisdiction. The DIONE toolbox will include a Green Compliance toolbox, allowing paying agencies to check the compliance of farmers but at the same time monitor the green direct payments’ environmental performance.
The integrated EO-based DIONE’ toolbox delivers clear economic value to key targeted customers, estimating to lower administrative and operational costs to 30% of the current ones related to CAP area-based compliance checks and assessment of respective environmental impacts.