EEA – Eionet Strategy 2021 – 2030
July 22, 2021The new CAP: fairer, greener, and more flexible
July 29, 2021What is D2.1 Stakeholders, personas, and co-designed scenarios about?
Brace yourself, our dear readers, because more DIONE interesting facts and data are coming your way! This time we are showcasing you DIONE scientific research via our public deliverables. We are starting this exploring journey by introducing you to D2.1 Stakeholders, personas, and co-designed scenarios.
This deliverable, produced by our project partner GILAB, provides a detailed analysis of the current CAP and its role in environmental protection and climate change mitigation, the context of CAP reform and how DIONE idea can fit the future CAP concept.
The research further accentuates a co-design methodology adopted to maximize market potential and applicability of DIONE products and tools. It means that DIONE stakeholders were identified and involved in the beginning of development process. Co-designing of products and services means involving stakeholders fully in the process through a dialog. In this case, they are a partner in the process of developing products and services: a) They provide the information through dialogue; b) They participate in the solution design; c) They participate in solution development; d) They design the experience as they interact with it (proactive). To successfully implement the co-design approach, the deliverable gives an overview of DIONE user requirements in detail by providing high-level User Scenarios created around DIONE personas and detailed technical scenarios.
What can you gain from reading it?
Whether you want to learn more about new CAP structure after 2020, as well how DIONE support tools conform to the foreseen post 2020 CAP regulations, or to gain a better insight into who these DIONE User Personas are, the chance is here! You can essentially identify yourself as one of archetypes or characters that represents a potential user of our products and find out more about the benefits DIONE products can bring you in your EO voyage. Nevertheless, as DIONE user, you will most definitely, through the above-mentioned co-design process of DIONE products and tools, help bring the revolutionary change in environment protection!
To read D2.1 Stakeholders, personas, and co-designed scenarios, click here