Work Packages and Deliverables

This deliverable defines the risk and quality management procedures for the DIONE project. It is presented as a manual comprising a Risk Management Plan (RMP) and a Quality Management Plan (QMP).

This deliverable reports on DIONE compliance to existing rules, laws and regulations.

This deliverable reports on DIONE compliance to existing rules, laws and regulations.

This deliverable provides the DIONE Data Management Plan, which details the data collected and generated through research and innovation activities and piloting phases, copyright, IPR and the informed consent-forms as well as information sheets handed to the participants of all project participatory activities.

The deliverable provides an overview of the process of identifying DIONE stakeholders and defining the user requirements to serve as the basis for further development of DIONE products and tools.

This deliverable builds upon the identified DIONE end users scenarios and needs (deliverable D2.1) and provides a complete set of system-level specifications for the DIONE toolbox. System-level specifications describe the features and desired behaviour of a system.

This deliverable will report the outcome of all tests performed in lab environment of the DIONE toolbox components alpha versions.

This document describes in detail WP3 components for all sub-components specifications as well as existing capabilities of markers and similar tools. It will constitute the basis for software improvement.

The report describes the details of the Copernicus Contributing Missions additional datasets acquired within the first year of the project and their uses.

The report contains details regarding the request of the Copernicus Contributing Missions additional datasets which are planned to be used within the second year of the project (2021).

The report describes the application prototype established building on top of existing tools (Sentinel Hub, Sen4CAP, eo-learn), providing the necessary functionality for support in agriculture, both for governmental users as well as farmers.

The report describes the use of the Copernicus Contributing Missions additional datasets acquired within the second year of the project.

Report on Very high resolution georeferenced products from drones and/or multicopters integrated in the data processing cycle.

The deliverable constitutes a report describing the technical specifications of the DIONE WP4 components aiming to establish a complete ecosystem of low-cost and easy to use smart tools and techniques for the accumulation of the in-situ information.

A report is describing the overall DIONE soil methodological framework, the current status in soil spectroscopy, the modelling procedures that can transform spectral signatures into soil properties and the Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) map.

The alpha version of both hardware and software components.

The final version of both hardware and software components.

The current report provides a set of recommendations for solid and measurable indicators with a focus on addressing environment and climate priorities within the framework of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implementation.

A prototype of the tool for reporting on each farmers’s compliance to greening rules (final version).

A prototype of the tool for quantifying the environmental performance of the paying agency by inferencing specific performance metrics in a national scale.

Release of the final version of the tool for quantifying the environmental performance of the paying agency by inferencing specific performance metrics in a national scale.

The prototype of the user interface component of the DIONE Environmental performance tool (final version).

The report presents the analysis of the information collected during the workshops and a compilation of user needs, forming an end-user wish-list for CAP monitoring tool.

The report describes the regions of interest where the pilot demonstrations in Lithuania have taken place, the methodology for pilot activities and a complete reporting of the pilot results per DIONE toolbox component.

The report describes the regions of interest where the pilot demonstrations in Cyprus have taken place, the methodology for pilot activities and a complete reporting of the pilot results per DIONE toolbox component.

The report comprises a cost-benefit analysis of the DIONE Toolbox, with KPIs demonstrating DIONE measurable impact in the monitoring of the compliance with the CAP, data integrity and quality and the end-user evaluation of the system in terms of performance, ease of use.

The DIONE Dissemination and Communication Plan provides guidance and direction for all DIONE communication activities with external actors. It ensures a unified approach across the entire DIONE consortium, covering WP7 activities and has a strong link to the future exploitation strategy.

A report on all promotional and communication activities of the project.

A report on all promotional and communication activities until the project mid-term.

A report on all promotional and communication activities of the project until the end of the of project.

A report detailing contributions and input from the DIONE Advisory Board, in the initial project stages (scenarios and requirements elicitation).

A report detailing contributions and input from the DIONE Advisory Board, in the latter half of the project, including the DIONE toolbox evaluation phase.

This deliverable (D7.7) introduces DIONE exploitation activities, IP management, and finally the DIONE Business Plan. D7.7 is the first iteration of the final document and will be updated accordingly due to the course of the project development.

This deliverable reports the outcomes relevant to the exploitation and IP management activities until the 1st interim review of the project, elaborating how the project results will be used and the DIONE toolbox marketized along with the Business Plan.

This deliverable reports the exploitation and IP management activities until the end of the project, elaborating how the project final results will be used and the DIONE toolbox marketized.