D4.2: Inventory of historical and open EO data and techniques to be used
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August 11, 2021What are the new actions in EU Space activities?
The new EU Space programme has been officially launched for the 2021-2027 period with €13,2 billion budget, securing that way the significant impact on space innovations in near future. The new programme will secure EU leadership in space activities, foster innovative industries, safeguard autonomous access to space and simplify governance. The programme has also established the EU Agency for Space Programme (EUSPA) to have oversight of everything related to EU Space actions. Specifically, EUSPA will manage public interests related to the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) programmes, EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System) and Galileo, the Earth observation (EO) programme Copernicus, and the European Union Governmental Satellite Communications (GOVSATCOM) programme.
What does it mean for DIONE?
Among other initiatives, the new EU Space programme is dedicated to safeguarding continuity and evolution of Galileo and EGNOS, the EU's global and regional satellite navigation systems as well as Copernicus, the EU's free and open Earth observation programme. This means that even more resources will be invested into further development of Earth observation, highlighting in turn the significance of new EO technologies and projects like DIONE for the near future. The upcoming advancements in Copernicus Sentinel Hub will most definitely allow the paying agencies to gradually substitute ‘on-the-spot-checks’ with a system of automated checks based on Earth observation (EO) Copernicus Sentinel satellite data. DIONE EO component is already enabling such actions by using Copernicus Sentinel Hub information/images based on DIAS to produce enhanced crop-type maps and non-productive EFAs maps.